Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Death to the Daleks (Part 2)"
Series Doctor Who
Season 11, Episode 12
Air date March 2nd, 1974
Writers Robert Holmes
Director Alan Bromly
Producers Barry Letts
Starring Jon Pertwee; Elisabeth Sladen
Episode guide
"Death to the Daleks (Part 1)"
"Death to the Daleks (Part 3)"

Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks (Part 2) is an episode of a television series. This page is a stub. If you are reading this message, then that means you have come to a page about a TV episode that is in need of additional work. There are certain key elements that are lacking from this article and thus preventing it from achieving an acceptable level of quality. This may include a screenshot image, missing and/or incorrect actor or production crew members, missing cast lists, external links, notes and references, and so on. Once these elements have been satisfied, then this template may be removed from the page.
