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See also Doctor Strange for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Doctor Strange
Flight of Bones
Title: Doctor Strange
Flight of Bones
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Imprint: Marvel Knights
Type: Limited series
Years published: February-May, 1999
Total issues: 4
Featuring: Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)
Previous: Doctor Strange, Vol. 3

Doctor Strange: Flight of Bones is the fourth comic book series of non-reprinted material published by Marvel Comics to spotlight the character of Doctor Stephen Strange. It is also the first time that Doctor Strange has ever received a miniseries. The series was published under the "Marvel Knights" imprint and was published from February to May of 1999. The series was written by Dan Jolley and co-written by artists Tony Harris and Ray Snyder. Harris provided the painted covers for all four issues and penciled issues #1-2. Ray Snyder inked issues #1-2, but the remaining two issues were penciled by Paul Chadwick and inked by Jimmy Palmiotti, who also edited the series. David Lanphear and Comicraft provided the lettering on issues #1-2 while Wes Abbott and Armonkeys provided the lettering for issues #3-4. Coloring was provided by Matt Hollingsworth on the first two issues and Chris Sotomayor on the final two issues.


  • Doctor Strange Vol 4 1
  • Doctor Strange Vol 4 2
  • Doctor Strange Vol 4 3
  • Doctor Strange Vol 4 4

Annuals & Specials

  • None


Notes & Trivia

  • Although the cover copy to the series reads Doctor Strange: The Flight of Bones, the indicia identifies the series only as Doctor Strange.
  • Each issue was a standard 36 pages in length and had a cover price of $2.99 per copy.

Recommended Reading

See also

External Links
