Doctor Sleep is an American feature film of the supernatural thriller genre. It is based on the novel Doctor Sleep by author Stephen King. The film serves as a sequel to King's 1977 novel The Shining, which was adapted into television miniseries in 1997 titled Stephen King's The Shining. The film sequel is not considered to be part of a continuation of the more popularly known The Shining feature film by director Stanley Kubrick. Doctor Sleep was written and directed by Mike Flanagan. The script is a rewritten draft of a screenplay originally written by Akiva Goldsman. The movie stars Ewan McGregor in the role of Dan Torrance - a character originally played by Danny Lloyd in the Kubrick film, and by Courtland Mead in the 1997 TV miniseries. The film was produced by Trevor Macy and Jon Berg for Warner Bros. and released in January, 2020.
Alcoholism | Cult | Cult leader | Cultist | Doctor | Henchman | Power absorption | Psychokinesis | Shining