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See also Deadeye for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Supervillain
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Latveria
Status: Alive
First: Marc Spector: Moon Knight #40

Deadeye, real name unknown, is a fictional super-villain featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is a part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and is generally associated with the Moon Knight family of comic book titles. He first appeared in Marc Spector: Moon Knight #40 in July, 1992.


Deadeye is a hired mercenary from Latveria and a member of a group called the Sensor Squad. He wore standard combat fatigues, a bandana, and special goggles equipped with a laser-scope lens. His goggles could also project holographic images.

Deadeye and his cohorts were hired by Victor von Doom to break into a vault at Spectorcorps in New York City to steal back a priceless personal heirloom. While Deadeye got to work cutting through the vault door with his laser-lens, the rest of the Sensor Squad fought off a security guard named Cray as well as the costumed Avenger, Moon Knight. Deadeye created a hologram to fool Moon Knight's perceptions, but he saw through them and set off an incendiary device that buried the villain beneath a pile of debris. Deadeye emerged and tried firing a laser at Moon Knight, but the hero dodged, and the blast struck Deadeye's compatriot, Impact, instead. Moon Knight got the drop on Deadeye, leveling his truncheon at him, forcing him to surrender. [1]

Deadeye wore a special pair of goggles that served multiple functions. In addition to providing him with visual protection, the left eye could also emit a laser beam that was intense enough to cut through solid metal. The goggles could also project a hologram that was convincing enough to fool an opponent's perceptions.


  • Special goggles: Deadeye wore a special pair of goggles that served multiple functions. In addition to providing him with visual protection, the left eye could also emit a laser beam that was intense enough to cut through solid metal. The goggles could also project a hologram that was convincing enough to fool an opponent's perceptions.
  • Spyball: The Spyball was an electronic surveillance device that is housed in the form of a human eyeball. It was utilized by Deadeye in service to Doctor Doom. Moon Knight fought up against Deadeye's team and was able to purloin one of the villain's spyballs. After consulting with his Shadow Cabinet, Moon Knight had his agent Cover Girl approach the Latverian Consulate and use the Spyball to monitor Doom's defenses.

Notes & Trivia[]

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