Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Dawn of Tranquility
Continuity: Star Wars
Model: MC85 star cruiser [1]
Class: Heavy star cruiser
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation [1]
Crew: 1,139 [1]
Length: 3,438.37 meters [1]
Width: 706,55 meters [1]
Complement: RZ-2 A-wing fighters
T-70 x-wing fighters
U-55 orbital loadlifters
1st appearance: Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

The Dawn of Tranquility is a fictional space vessel and a major vehicle featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. It appeared in the 2017 film Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.


The Dawn of Tranquility was an MC85 star cruiser and a capital ship utilized by the New Repulic. During the uprising of the First Order, Admiral Ackbar petitioned the name of the ship be changed to the Raddus in honor of the Mon Calamari military leader Admiral Raddus, who gave his life during the Galactic Civil War. The Dawn of Tranquility operated as the flagship of the Resistance under the leadership of General Leia Organa. During a space battle against the First Order, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo ordered all personnel off-ship, then used it as decoy to draw attention away from the Resistance. She set the Raddus on a suicide hyperspace jump, plowing it through the Dreadnought star destroyer Supremacy, destroying both ships in the process, and saving the Resistance.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections