Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
David Angar
Angar the Screamer
Aliases: Angar the Screamer
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Supervillain
Gender: Male
Race: Altered human
Location: San Francisco, California
Status: Deceased
First: Daredevil #100
Final: Thunderbolts #59

Angar the Screamer, whose real name is David Angar, is a fictional super-villain and a recurring character featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was introduced in a cameo appearance in Daredevil #100 in June, 1973. His first full appearance was in Daredevil #101.



David Angar developed his super-powers as a result of scientific experimentation. The lawyer Kerwin J. Broderick subjected David to intense hyper-sound to his vocal chords using technology developed on Titan. He wanted to create his own super-villain that he could set upon his enemies, Daredevil and the Black Widow.

Alternate media[]

A version of David Angar appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Played by actor Jeff Daniel Phillips, he appeared in the thirteenth episode of season two of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. titled "One of Us". In the episode, David Angar possessed sonic projection abilities and was the pawn of Calvin Johnson.


  • Bio-conversion: David Angar eventually shed his corporeal form and became a being of solid sound.
  • Sonic projection: David Angar can project concentric waves of sonic energy from his mouth. His version of this ability is unique from others who possess such a power as his sonic waves affect the cerebral cortex of the brain, causing the target to suffer massive hallucinations.
  • Hallucination generation: The ultimate super-hippie dishes out the ultimate bad trip. Those who are within the cone of influence of Angar's scream find themselves suffering from extreme hallucinations. The hallucinations may carry on for an indeterminate period of time, even after Angar ceases the effect, but they usually wear off in short order.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Final fate: Killed in battle by Songbird who absorbed his sonic form.


See also[]

External Links[]

