Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Dave.

DC: New 52[]

Dave was a Coney Island muscle-head who was friends with a man named Dan. They came upon Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy sunning themselves on the beach and started hitting on them. Although Harley was loving all of the attention, Ivy could not be bothered. Despite this, they allowed the men to stay, and convinced them to massage their feet and give them pedicures. Dave was partially buried under the sand with a sand-castle woman body shaped around his head, giving him the appearance of a mermaid. When it was time to leave, Dave was left behind trapped in the sand. Harley's pet Dachshund urinated on Dave's face. (Harley Quinn Vol 2 7)

Marvel Universe[]

Dave - ASM405

One man named Dave was an older gentleman from New England, who was a friend of Seward Trainer. The two were enjoying drinks at MilliWay's Bed and Breakfast one day and Dave was telling Seward a story about an animal being caught in a trap. Before he could finish his story however, a disheveled Ben Reilly wandered into the room demanding food. Trainer got up to calm the man down, but Ben suddenly collapsed from exhaustion. Dave warned Trainer to be careful around him. (Amazing Spider-Man 405)


Dave is a character who is associated with the Vampirella comic book franchise and appeared in the Pantha limited series published by Dynamite Entertainment. (Pantha 1)

The Walking Dead[]

Walking Dead 2x08 004

Dave is a fictional zombie holocaust survivor and a minor character on the AMC survival horror series The Walking Dead. Played by actor Michael Raymond-James, he appeared in the season two episode, "Nebraska". The character also made a brief appearance in the beginning of the following episode, "Triggerfinger". Dave was a member of a group consisting of Tony, Randall Culver and several others that discovered Glenn Rhee, Hershel Greene and Rick Grimes held out at a bar. Tony and Dave pushed for information about where the three men were held up and wanted to know the location of their farm though they refuse to give up anything. After Rick sarcastically tells Dave that he hears Nebraska is nice when Dave asks where they are going to go, he attempts to shoot Rick in the bar but is promptly shot in the head by Rick before he can fire.
