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A guest who came to Collinwood in the guise of a proper English gentleman, has been revealed as the notorious Count Petofi. Once unmasked, he is gone, leaving behind him a prediction, and a promise. The prediction is that one by one, the inhabitants of Collinwood will face the truth about themselves. The promise is that though he is gone, he will be there to see it.

Episode 803
Series Dark Shadows
Season 1969, Episode 803
DS 803 001
Air date July 23rd, 1969
Writers Violet Welles
Director Henry Kaplan
Producers Dan Curtis; Robert Costello
Starring Jonathan Frid; Louis Edmonds; Terry Crawford; David Selby; David Henesy
Episode guide
Episode 801/802
Episode 804

"Episode 803" is the otherwise unnamed 803rd episode of the daytime Gothic soap opera series Dark Shadows. It was directed by Henry Kaplan with a script written by Violet Welles. This episode is part of the "1897 Flashback" storyline. It first aired on ABC on Wednesday, July 23rd, 1969.


Actor Role
Jonathan Frid Barnabas Collins
Louis Edmonds Edward Collins
Terry Crawford Beth Chavez
David Selby Quentin Collins
David Henesy Jamison Collins/Petofi

Notes & Trivia[]


  • Reference is made to Doctor Brooks in this episode. Doctor Brooks was the family physician to the Collins family in the late 19th century. Although he never appears on-screen, he has treated Jamison Collins and may have even treated Rachel Drummond back in episode 776. According to Jamison (possessed by Count Petofi), Brooks is not a very good doctor.
  • Quentin Collins makes reference to Victor Fenn-Gibbon, which is an alias used by Andreas Petofi.


  • Jamison Collins: I find your Maine weather most stimulating this time of year. Mr. Collins, you look a little pale. Perhaps you ought to get out into the weather I find simply marvelous. Brisk and stimulating, there seems to be a scent of discovery out of doors, particularly about you.
  • Edward Collins: Jamison, I don't understand what you're talking about.
  • Jamison Collins But you will. Before this day is through, you will know many things that you know not now. Including the truth about yourself.


  • Quentin Collins: Evil spirit, possessor of that which is not thine to possess... depart! Depart, I say!
  • Jamison Collins: And I say, as soon as you’re finished with all the mumbo-jumbo, would you hand me a glass of mineral water?


  • Edward Collins: I am preparing for the moment when Barnabas Collins will be destroyed. I don't like his victims too near the house.


  • Quentin Collins: What did you think when you looked at that little boy with gypsy eyes and the Collins name?


  • Jamison Collins: He's not a very good doctor. He examined me for nearly an hour, and didn’t notice that I only had one hand.


  • Jamison Collins: My father’s not here. That's a peacock! A vain, and a little man! Name-proud!

See also[]


The World of Dark Shadows


External Links[]


1897 | Amnesia | Collinsport | Collins family | Collinwood drawing room | Collinwood staircase | Exorcism | Maine | Occult | Possession | Revolver | Silver bullets | Vampires

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