Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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Talia al Ghul[]


Katar Hol - New 52

Terry Long[]

Throne of Thorns[]

Time Pods[]

Proteus and Time Pods

A time pod is a mystical artifact that allows one to travel through time. They were created by the sorcerer known as Proteus, who gave them to the god Poseidon. Poseidon used the Time Pods to abduct the water-breathing Xebelian known as Mera, whom he intended on taking as his wife. Aquaman later used the Time Pods to pursue Poseidon in an effort to rescue Mera. (Aquaman 17)

Tommy Harper[]

Trickster's anti-gravity boots[]

James Jesse, aka the Trickster, was always known for his bizarre gadgets. The most defining item in his arsenal however was a pair of anti-gravity boots that allowed him to literally walk on air for limited periods of time. While this did not afford the Trickster great height or maneuverability, it did allow him to pull off various crimes with some modicum of creativity.


Turkel was a scientist who worked at S.T.A.R. Labs in Salt Lake City, Utah. He worked alongside noted scientists Tina McGee and Bill Schmitz, who had taken on the task of studying Wally West's super-speed powers. Turkel was present on the day that an electro-mechano creature known as the Kilg%re attacked S.T.A.R. Labs. (Flash Vol 2 3)
