Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
D.E.O. headquarters
Continuity: DC Universe
Aliases: D.E.O. Headquarters
Category: Headquarters
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New York [1]
California [2]
California [1]
City: New York City [1]
National City [2]
1st appearance: Batman #550

D.E.O. headquarters is a fictional location featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It relates to the organization known as the Department of Extranormal Operations, aka the D.E.O., and is primarily seen in issues of the 1998 comic book series Chase. The D.E.O. headquarters first appeared in Batman #550 in January, 1998.

The D.E.O. maintains an office complex in New York City, New York. On the CBS television series Supergirl, D.E.O. headquarters is an underground facility, located just outside National City, California.


DC Universe[]

Researcher Peter Malley was staying up late one night at the DEO HQ studying tissue samples taken from a man named Cassius, which possessed strange metabolic properties. This sample, which was in fact a form of parasitic clay, attacked Malley in his lab, fusing with him and turning him into the Clay-Thing. [3]


DC Universe



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 A D.E.O. field office is located in New York City, New York in the continuity of the DC Universe (Post-Crisis, pre-New 52).
  2. 2.0 2.1 On the CBS television series Supergirl, the D.E.O. headquarters is located underground in or just outside National City, California.
  3. Batman, Volume 1 #550 (Jan-1998).