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See also Doctor Psycho for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Doctor Psycho
Doctor Psycho
Aliases: Doctor Psycho
Captain Wonder
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Psychiatrist
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Washington, D.C.
Known relatives: Marva Psycho [1]
Status: Deceased
First: Wonder Woman #5

Doctor Psycho is a fictional psychic criminal and a recurring antagonist featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He is associated with the Wonder Woman line of titles and first appeared in the first story from Wonder Woman #5 in June-July, 1943.


Doctor Psycho hypnosis

Doctor Psycho - Master of hypnosis.

Cyril Psycho was a successful psychiatrist, though he was often mocked by his peers at medical school for his short stature. Psycho received a telepathic message from the invisible Duke of Deception, who promised him that he would have his revenge against those who made fun of him - especially women.

Psycho was engaged to marry a woman named Marva, who respected hi intellect, but cited that "love-making doesn't become you". Psycho later caught Marva in the arms of a more handsome man, Ben Bradley, who was an athlete at the college that Marva attended.

Marva Psycho

The Bride of Doctor Psycho!

Doctor Psycho broke into the laboratory of the school and stole $125,000 worth of radium. Marva caught him in the act, and testified against him at his trial. Psycho was then sent to prison. While in jail, he learned that Marva had married Ben Bradley.

Once he was released from prison, he captured Ben Bradley and forced him to swallow radium pills until they burned a hole through his stomach, killing him. He then caught up with Marva and used his mental powers to hypnotize her. He then forced the widow to marry him instead.


Doctor Psycho uses a red beam for ectokinesis.

Psycho kept Marva in bondage and reinforced his hypnotic control over her every day. Using Marva as a psychic medium, he was able to draw particles of living ectoplasm from another dimension. He was able to use the ectoplasm to sculpt a new physique for himself.

Several weeks later, Doctor Psycho hosted a public event, in which he claimed he would summon the ghost of U.S. President George Washington through Marva the medium. Diana Prince and Steve Trevor attended the spectacle. Psycho projected his effigy of George Washington and had him issuing misogynistic, claiming that women will lose the war for America. He predicted that the Supreme Shell Works plant would exploded because the munitions were being carelessly filled by women. The prediction proved to be true, which earned the attention of Wonder Woman. Suspecting that Doctor Psycho was behind the "ghost" of George Washington, she used her Lasso of Truth on the former President and discovered that he was a being of living ectoplasm.

Doctor Psycho then set about framing Colonel Phillip Darnell for the alleged theft of top secret papers from a government vault. Steve Trevor suspected Psycho's involvement and went to address him, but Psycho incapacitated Trevor with a cloud of ectoplasm. However, Steve was able to send a telepathic S.O.S. to Wonder Woman via the Mental radio, warning her about what was going on at Psycho's laboratory.

Doctor Psycho runs

The Holliday Girls give chase!

Wonder Woman raided the laboratory and found Steve Trevor locked inside of a golden cage. When she went to free him, she suffered a massive electrical shock, and realized that the man inside the cage was actually Doctor Psycho in disguise. Psycho continued to use an electrical current separate Wonder Woman's spirit from her body. Wonder Woman sent her own mental cry for help to Etta Candy and the Holliday Girls. Etta and her sorority sisters came to Psycho's laboratory and were greeted by Doctor Carlo Montez, who was actually Doctor Psycho in disguise.

Wonder Woman managed to break free and rejoin her spirit to her body. Afterward, she rescued Steve and exposed Doctor Carlo Montez as Psycho. The Holliday Girls chased after him until he produced a handgun, but Steve Trevor shot it out of his hands. Psycho was captured and his wife was set free of his control. However, given the nature of Psycho's crimes, it was impossible to bring charges against him due to lack of evidence, so he was free to plot future plans of hatred against women. [2]



Notes & Trivia[]


See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Wife, though the marriage is likely not legally recognized since he used hypnosis to control her mind.
  2. Wonder Woman 5