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Cundiff Cood
Aliases: Green Lantern
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Minor character
Type: Superhero
Occupation: Green Lantern
Gender: Male
Race: Noc'sagian
Location: Sector 3544
Associations: Green Lantern Corps
Black Lantern Corps
Status: Deceased
First: Green Lantern, Vol. 4 #4
Final: Sinestro Corps Special #1

Cundiff Cood is a fictional alien space-cop and a recurring character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He first appeared in the "Alienated" story from Green Lantern, Volume 4 #4 in October, 2005.


Cundiff Cood was an adult male member of the Noc'sagian race of the planet Noc'sag. He was the third member of his race to bear the mantle of being selected for the Green Lantern Corps, following in the footsteps of an unnamed Nac'sagian who had perished, as well as that Lantern's predecessor, Galius Zed.

Cundiff Cood fought in the Sinestro Corps War. During a battle, Cundiff Cood fought to protect the defensive barrier surrounding Oa. A Sinestro Corps sniper known as Bedovian shot Cundiff through his right eye and killed him. As a fallen lantern, he was memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps.

During the Blackest Night, Cundiff Cood was resurrected as an undead member of the Black Lantern Corps. [1]



  • Alien physiology: Because Cundiff Cood hails from a high-gravity environment, his physical attributes are greater than those who thrive in a gravity similar to Earth's.


  • Indomitable willpower: A strong will and the ability to overcome great fear is a hallmark of members of the Green Lantern Corps.


  • No identifiable weaknesses of note other than an inability to stay alive. Or undead.


  • Black Lantern ring: A Black Lantern ring is the signature weapon of the undead members of the Black Lantern Corps, who are reanimated by the ring's powers.
  • Green Lantern power battery: The Green Lantern power battery works in conjunction with the Green Lantern ring. Each ring must be charged by the power battery upon depletion.
  • Green Lantern ring: A Green Lantern ring is the signature weapon and defensive tool used by members of the Green Lantern Corps and provides multiple uses and benefits.

Notes & Trivia[]

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The World of Green Lantern

Green Lantern miscellaneous

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