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"To Grandmother's House We Go"
Series Creepshow
Season 4, Episode 3/2
Air date October 13th, 2023
Writers William Butler
Director Justin Dyck
Producers Julia Hobgood; Anthony Fankhauser; Marc Mostman; Geoff Silverman; Robert Dudelson; James Dudelson; Jordan Kizwani; Eric Woods; Jeff Holland; Russell Binder; Stan Spry; Jim Reeve; Brian Witten; Greg Nicotero; Laurel Murphy; John Esposito
Starring Keegan Connor Tracy; Emma Oliver; Jay Bell; Jason McKinnon; Marion Eisman; Teana-Marie Smith; Amanda Huxtable; Daevyd Avalon; Devyn Dalton
Episode guide
"Parent Deathtrap"
"Meet the Belaskos"

"To Grandmother's House We Go" is the second segment in the third episode from season four of the Creepshow streaming anthology series. It was directed by Justin Dyck with a script written by William Butler. All episodes from season four premiered on Shudder on Friday, October 13th, 2023.


Creepshow - To Grandmother's House We Go

A wedding...

Marcia is a gold-digger who marries an elderly man named David Higgins. Shortly after the wedding however, David dies, but the family fortune goes to his sister, Belinda. Marcia however, is now the stepmother of David's granddaughter, Ruby. Marcia is selfish and cruel, and has no interest in being a mother to a girl who is not even her own.

Marcia meets with her boyfriend Benny at a diner where they are served by a woman named Carla. Marcia was under the impression that Benny had a vast, sprawling business, but when she learns that he simply owns a Christmas tree farm, she breaks up with him. Carla adds her own opinion by telling Benny that he is better off.

At home the following morning, Marcia receives a call from the Higgins estate, and learns that Belinda is terminally ill and wishes to see her granddaughter one more time before she dies. Marcia is overjoyed, as she is the legal guardian of Ruby, who stands to inherit all of the Higgins family wealth.

Creepshow - To Grandmother's House We Go 001

...then a funeral.

Late the following evening, Marcia is driving across Coyote Canyon with Ruby on their way to the Higgins' Lakeview estate. She sees an animal run across their path and drives off the side of the road to avoid it. Getting out of the car, Marcia realizes that it is not a coyote she nearly hit, but actually a werewolf. The creature attacks and begins ripping at the roof of the car. Marcia temporarily repels it with her taser. She contacts Benny to come out and help her.

Benny arrives in his truck, but there is no sign of the werewolf. He offers to help Marcia and Ruby out, but then the creature attacks and kills him. Marcia grabs a knife from Benny's truck, which just happens to be made of silver, and stabs the werewolf. The creature reverts to human form, revealing it to be Carla - the waitress from the diner.

Marcia eventually brings Ruby to visit her grandmother, Belinda. The dying elderly woman is overjoyed at the sight and embraces the little girl. Just then, Ruby turns towards Marcia and transforms into a werewolf. She leaps upon her and rips her throat out.



Actor Role
Keegan Connor Tracy Marcia Higgins
Emma Oliver Ruby Higgins

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Jay Bell Werewolf
Jason McKinnon Benny
Marion Eisman Belinda
Teana-Marie Smith Preacher
Amanda Huxtable Carla
Daevyd Avalon David Higgins


Actor Role
Devyn Dalton Ruby werewolf

Notes & Trivia[]


  • The title of this episode is taken from the poem "Over the River and Through the Wood", also known as "The New-England Boy's Song about Thanksgiving Day", which was written by Lydia Maria Child in 1844. The line is taken from the first stanza, "Over the river, and through the wood, to grandfather's house we go". In later years, the second line has been altered to read as "to grandmother's house we go".
  • The general concepts and visuals of this episode hearken back to the 17th century fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Both stories involve werewolves and both feature a central child character who is adorned with a red cape.


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See also[]

External Links[]


Automobile accident | Axe | Coffin | Dolls | Full moon | Funeral | Knife | Profanity | Stabbings | Superhuman strength | Taser | Throat injury | Truck | Weddings | Werewolves

Season Four
This article pertains to an episode from season four of the Creepshow streaming series on Shudder.
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