Creepshow is an American horror anthology film directed by George Romero with a screenplay written by Stephen King. Two sequel films, Creepshow 2 and Creepshow 3, were released in 1987 and 2006. The film features five vignettes, all written by King, wrapped inside of a framing story. The premise involves a young boy named Billy who enjoys reading an issue of Creepshow magazine, which includes the five stories. The titles of the stories, in chronological order are, "Father's Day", "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill", "Something to Tide You Over", "The Crate" and "They're Creeping Up on You". Stephen King himself plays the titular dumbbell Jordy Verrill in "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill".
Billy has a Rodan action figure suspended from string on the ceiling of his bedroom. Rodan is a Japanese daikaiju and part of the Godzilla series of films. He had his own film in 1956. The toy was made by Mattel and released in the 1970s.