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Continuity: Cleopatra 2525
Type: Supporting character
Gender: Male
Race: Mutant
First: "Creegan"
Actor: Joel Tobeck

Creegan is a minor character and a recurring antagonist featured in the syndicated science fiction television series Cleopatra 2525. Played by actor Joel Tobeck, he was introduced in the second episode of season one, "Creegan". He appeared in five more episodes of the series between 2000 and 2001.


Creegan was a mutant and the leader of a criminal mutant cartel living beneath the suraface of the Earth in the year 2525. Despite his clown-like appearance, there was nothing ever funny about Creegan or his motives. He was singularly responsible for slaughtering the family of warrior woman Helen Carter.

In 2525, he learned the location of Carter's laboratory headquarters as well as the fact that she associated with a robot scientist known as Mauser. Creegan led a raid on the laboratory and succeeded in capturing Mauser, bringing him back to his subterranean lair. He attached a siphon filter to Mauser's neural network and began downloading all of Mauser's memories, including sensitive information relating to Hel and her companions Sarge and Cleopatra. He was able to hack into Hel's voice receptor, countermanding the flow of communication between Carter and her mysterious leader, the "Voice". He was able to increase the amplitude of the receiver, causing Hel excruciating pain. Through the efforts of Sarge and Cleopatra, they were able to temporarily remove the auditory implant from Hel's ear and save her life.

Hel and the others tracked Creegan back to his lair and fought up against his mutants. They succeeded in securing Mauser, severing the download of his network so Creegan ended up gaining no information from him. During the fight, Creegan activated a flying grenade drone and aimed it at Carter, but she kicked it back towards him. Sarge fired a blast that detonated the device just as it impacted against Creegan's force field. The blast sent him flying through the wall into the Shaft. Though his plan was foiled, Creegan would return to plague the warrior women anew. [1]

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