Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki

The Committee was a secret organization of anonymous businessmen and financiers. Their purpose was to stimulate what they perceive to be a sinking global economy by any means available to them. Many of the Committee's practices are ethically questionable, and usually illegal. To promote consumerism, Committee members were known to implement a doctrine of fear to "shock" the private sector into investing in various enterprises. One of the earliest examples of this practice involved their decision to employ the disfigured Sarnak, Master of Sound, to create "an army of fear" so that citizens spend more because they feel unsafe. These efforts brought the Committee into conflict with Jack Russell – also known by the sobriquet, the Werewolf by Night. The Committee's involvement with the Russell family included Jack's stepfather, Philip Russell – who was being blackmailed via his wife Laura. When Philip refused to pay, they had her killed - leading Jack to believe that his step-father had been responsible.

Despite their frequent conflicts with the Werewolf, the Committee's most persistent adversary has been the lunar avenger, Moon Knight. At first, Moon Knight had been on the Committee's payroll, and offered $10,000 to bring them the Werewolf, but he soon turned against them and actively sought to bring them down




