Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Kari Limbo 003

Kari Limbo the fortune teller.

Clairvoyance is the ability to forecast future events. This ability usually occurs to the user unbidden and can take the form of waking visions or even dreams that foretell things to come. In most cases, the clairvoyant's vision gives but an abstract outline of what is to come, as the future is not a fixed constant. These visions are subject to interpretation and may be misconstrued.

On the NBC television series Heroes, there were two characters who had the gift of future-sight. One was Isaac Mendez, who would go into a trance and create a painting of a future event. He accurately predicted a nuclear explosion taking place in sky above New York City. Unfortunately for Isaac, he also predicted his own murder at the hands of Gabriel "Sylar" Gray.

Another character from the series who was clairvoyant was Angela Petrelli. Angela's visions came to her in the form of dreams and were usually very obscure. She often had difficulty correctly interpreting her dreams, but she took stock in their importance and allowed them to guide her actions.


Character Source
Bronaja Marvel Cinematic Universe
Charles Hinton Marvel Cinematic Universe
Claire Voyante Lightning Comics
Desadia Marvel Universe
Domini Marvel Universe
Kari Limbo DC Universe
Kyra, the Seer Charmed
Robin Hinton Marvel Cinematic Universe




