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"You of all people should know, some people deserve to die."
"Give Me Something Good to Eat"
Series Chucky
Season 1, Episode 2
Chucky 1x02 004
Air date October 19th, 2021
Writers Harley Peyton; Don Mancini
Director Dermott Downs
Producers Don Mancini; David Kirschner; Harley Peyton; Jeff Renfroe; Nick Antosca; Alex Hedlund; Mitch Engel; Todd Leykamp; Mallory Westfall; Tony Gardner
Starring Zackary Arthur; Björgvin Arnarson; Alyvia Alyn Lind; Teo Briones; Brad Dourif
Episode guide
"Death by Misadventure"
"I like to Be Hugged"

"Give Me Something Good to Eat" is the second episode of season one of the Chucky television series, and the second episode of the series overall. It was directed by Dermott Downs with a script written by Harley Peyton and Don Mancini. It first aired on Syfy on Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 at 10:00 pm (EST).


Things are tense at the Wheeler household as Logan and Bree and their son Junior try to adapt to Jake's presence. Devon's mother, Detective Kim Evans suspects that Jake may have had something to do with it, and things look even worse for Jake after the Wheeler's maid suffers a fatal "accident". Chucky proclaims his innocence and tries to strength whatever tenuous bond exists between Jake and he. Jake later attends a Halloween party at Oliver Hayden's house, which ends up being a disaster after that bitch Lexy makes a tasteless mockery of Jake's recently deceased father. Oh, this bitch needs to die! However, Jake stops Chucky from killing Lexy, after which Chucky offers him his knife, which Jake accepts.



Actor Role
Zackary Arthur Jake Wheeler
Björgvin Arnarson Devon Evans
Alyvia Alyn Lind Lexy Cross
Teo Briones Junior Wheeler
Brad Dourif Chucky

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Lexa Doig Bree Wheeler
Barbara Alyn Woods Michelle Cross
Michael Therriault Nathan Cross
Rachelle Casseus Kim Evans
Carina London Battrick Caroline Cross


Actor Role
Travis Milne Detective Sean Peyton
Devon Sawa Logan Wheeler
Avery Esteves Oliver Hayden
David Kohlsmith Young Charles
Jamillah Ross Gladys Kravitz
Amanda Cheung Older girl at party
Lucas Misaljevic Party kid
Jaden Kwan Party kid
Erica Wood Annie

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Chucky: The Series is based on characters and concepts created by Don Mancini. It originated with the Child's Play film series.
  • This series is rated TV-MA (LV). It contains scenes of graphic violence and strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.


  • There are no allusions available for this episode at this time. Be the first to add some! Just click on the edit tab under the section heading and start typing. An allusion is an incidental reference made to a character, person, event or other miscellaneous piece of media that can be found somewhere in the episode itself. In most cases, this refers to characters or events from previous episodes.


  • Caroline Cross: You're good at this, Chucky.
  • Chucky: You too, Caroline. You got potential. I always say killing's good clean fun for the whole family. You could kill the housekeeper. You can kill the babysitter. You can even kill your sister.
  • Caroline Cross: Mommy says real killing is bad.
  • Chucky: Yeah, well, mommy's full of shit.
  • Caroline Cross: Mommy says it isn't nice to swear.
  • Chucky: Mommy's working her way up my list pretty fucking quick. But first things first, kid. Where's Lexy?
  • Caroline Cross: Probably kissing Junior somewhere.
  • Chucky: Well, at least she's gonna die doing what she loves.

Body Count[]

  1. Annie - Face pushed into dishwasher with upturned knife stabbing her in the face.

See also[]

External Links[]


1960s | 1965 | Dolls | Bergen County | Good Guys doll | Hackensack | Halloween | Homosexuality | Knife | Mask | New Jersey | Perry Middle School | Profanity | Stabbings
