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Bouncing Boy
Bouncing Boy
Aliases: Bouncing Boy
Charles Taine
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Superhero
Occupation: Teacher
Gender: Male
Race: Altered human
Location: Legion Clubhouse, 30th century/31st century Metropolis
Associations: Legion of Super-Heroes
Legion of Substitute Heroes
Legion Academy
Relatives: Luornu Durgo [1]
Status: Alive
First: Action Comics #276
Actor: Michael Cornacchia

Charles "Chuck" Taine is a fictional super-hero and a supporting character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He is associated with the Legion of Super-Heroes line of titles and first appeared in Action Comics #276 in May, 1961.


Chuck Taine was a young man who was born sometime in the 30th century. While attending a sporting event, he accidentally drank an experimental plastic-based liquid that altered his physiology. Chuck developed the ability to increase his density and generate self-powered momentum, enabling him to hyper-bounce his body like a ball. Chuck tried out for membership in the Legion of Super-Heroes, but was rejected the first few times as his powers were deemed to be rather stupid. Ultimately, the Legionnaires threw him a bone and let the fat kid join the club. In time however, Chuck proved himself to be a valuable member of the team, and later went on to become an instructor at Legion Academy.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Bouncing Boy was introduced in the same story that saw the first appearances of Brainiac 5, Duo Damsel, Phantom Girl, and Sun Boy.





Related categories[]

See also[]


The World of the Legion

External Links[]


DC Animated Universe

Legion of Super-Heroes: The Animated Series


  1. Wife; also known as Duo Damsel and Triplicate Girl. Pre-Zero Hour continuity only.