Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Ed and Charley
Christopher L. Cushing High School
Continuity: Fright Night
Category: Learning center
State: Iowa
City: Rancho Corvalis
Residents: Amy Peterson; Charley Brewster; Ed Thompson
1st appearance: Fright Night

Christopher L. Cushing High School is a fictional learning center featured in the Fright Night multimedia franchise. It first appeared in the 1985 horror/comedy film Fright Night.


Christopher L. Cushing High School was a public high school located in Rancho Corvalis, Iowa. Some of the students who attended class there included Charley Brewster, Amy Peterson, and "Evil" Ed Thompson.

One day, as school let out, Charley complained about a teacher named Mister Smith, who sprang a surprise quiz on them without telling anyone. Ed Thompson reminded him that the point of a pop quiz was "to surprise you". As they walked through the campus, Charley's girlfriend brushed past them, making a point to ignore Charley. She was angry at him for failing to pay attention to her the previous evening. Ed jokingly asked him, "She finally find out what you're really like?"



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