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Chas Chandler
Chas Chandler
Aliases: Frank William Chandler
Continuity: DC Universe/Vertigo
Notability: Supporting character
Occupation: Cab driver
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Queenie's Castle, London, England
Relatives: Renee Chandler
Geraldine Chandler
Trish Chandler
Status: Alive
First: Hellblazer #4
Actor: Shia LaBeouf
Charles Halford

Chas Chandler is a fictional cab driver and a supporting character featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He is associated with the Hellblazer line of titles and first appeared in Hellblazer #4 in April, 1988. A version of the character, named Chas Kramer, also appeared in the 2005 film Constantine where he was played by actor Shia LaBeouf. On the Constantine TV series, Chas Chandler was made into an American character and played by actor Charles Halford.


Frank William "Chas" Chandler is a London cabbie, a good friend and ally of John Constantine. He was born in London in 1953 to Queenie and her husband. Whereas in his friends' homes, the father was the violent drunk, it was the other way round in the Chandler household. Frank's other brother, Terry, was hanged in 1960; that same year, Queenie killed her husband. She threw a bottle at him, causing him to fall down the stairs and die of pneumonia a week later. Shortly after, his mother acquired a female monkey, Slag. It became her familiar, and the two developed a strong bond. Queenie never left the bed, relying on Slag to do everything. Frank lived under her as a slave, as his father had. In 1969, 17-year old John Constantine became a new lodger, and quickly befriended Chas. John was sensitive to mystic forces, and sensed Slag was more than just a monkey when it talked to him - something Queenie could not hear. He seduced the monkey, and then drowned it. The psychic link caused Queenie to die as well. Chas was freed, but indebted to John. Chas wasn't the brightest, and generally had low-paying jobs to make ends meet. He worked as a roadie for Mucous Membrane before becoming a cabbie in London. This made him useful to John, who frequently called him for free rides in the capital. He kept Chas away from most of his occult dealings, which meant Chas was spared the fate of John's other friends. He settled in London with a woman named Renee, a woman previously involved with John. Around 1978, their daughter Geraldine was born.

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