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"All Halliwell's Eve"
Series Charmed
Season 3, Episode 4
Charmed 3x04 001
Air date October 26th, 2000
Writers Sheryl J. Anderson
Director Anson Williams
Producers Sheryl J. Anderson; James L. Conway; Peter Hume; Brad Kern; Jonathan Levin; Jon Paré; Betty Reardon; William Schmidt; Aaron Spelling; E. Duke Vincent
Starring Shannen Doherty; Holly Marie Combs; Alyssa Milano; Brian Krause; Dorian Gregory; Julian McMahon
Episode guide
"Once Upon a Time"
"Sight Unseen"

"All Halliwell's Eve" is the fourth episode of season three of the supernatural fantasy series Charmed and the forty-ninth episode of the series overall. It was directed by Anson Williams with a script written by Sheryl J. Anderson. It first aired on the WB Network on Thursday, October 26th, 2000 at 8:00 pm.



Actor Role
Shannen Doherty Prue Halliwell
Holly Marie Combs Piper Halliwell
Alyssa Milano Phoebe Halliwell
Brian Krause Leo Wyatt
Dorian Gregory Darryl Morris
Julian McMahon Cole Turner

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Judy Geeson Ruth Cobb
Clare Carey Eva
David Chisum Micah/Mitch
Sadie Stratton Charlotte
Danielle Weeks Sally


Actor Role
Tommy Perna Kava
Michael Bailey Smith Janor
James Tumminia Astrologer
Bobby Pyle Youngster

Musical Guests[]

Actor Role
Tobey Torres Snake River Conspiracy
Jason Slater Snake River Conspiracy
Matt Lucich Snake River Conspiracy
Mitch Doran Snake River Conspiracy

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Production code number: 4300048.
  • Snake River Conspiracy are credited as the special musical guest.
  • Actress Vanessa Elgrichi is uncredited for her participation in this episode.
  • Actress Jamie Millhoff is uncredited for her participation in this episode.


  • The title of this episode is derived from the phrase "All Hallow's Eve", which is October 30th, the night before Halloween; sometimes referred to as "Mischief Night" or "Devil's Night".


  • Leo Wyatt: "Grimlocks: underground demons who are sensitive to light and steal children's sight so they can see the aura that surrounds good people and strangle them with it".
  • Darryl Morris: That snake-tongued blonde is looking better and better.


  • Phoebe Halliwell: Hook-nosed hags riding broomsticks - that's what we're celebrating. Personally I am offended by the representation of witches in popular culture.


See also[]

External Links[]

Series links

Episode links

Charmed logo
Season Three
This article pertains to an episode from season three of the Charmed television series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Charmed episodes category.
