Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Chucky 3x07 004
Charlotte Collins
Continuity: Chucky: The Series
Notability: Supporting character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: White House, Washington, D.C.
Relatives: James Collins
Grant Collins
Henry Collins
Joseph Collins
Status: Alive
First: "Murder at 1600"
Final: "Final Destination"
Actor: Lara Jean Chorostecki

Charlotte Collins is a fictional First Lady and a supporting character featured in the Chucky live-action television series on Syfy. Played by actress Lara Jean Chorostecki, she was a regular cast member in season three of the show. She first appeared in the season premiere, "Murder at 1600". She made eight appearances in the series in total.


Charlotte Collins was the First Lady of the United States in the year 2024. She was the wife of James Collins and had three sons; Grant, Henry and Joseph. Joseph, the youngest son, passed away of an undisclosed illness in 2023.

In the Autumn of 2023, the possessed killer doll known as Chucky inveigled his way into the White House and assumed the role of a Good Guy Doll, which was owned by Henry. Henry named the doll Joseph after his brother. Chucky wasted no time in beginning his ambitious plan to commit widespread murder in the White House, and began with a Secret Service agent named Teddy Brooks. He eventually made his towards murdering Charlotte's husband.

Charlotte began secretly working with CIA agent Warren Pryce to keep the news of the President's death a secret and instill a double until they could figure out who was committing the murders.

Notes & Trivia[]


See also[]

External Links[]


Chucky | Doll | Good Guy doll | Grant Collins | Henry Collins | James Collins | Joseph Collins | Killer dolls | Smoking marijuana | Warren Pryce | Washington, D.C. | White House
