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Chaos Demon
Chaos Demon
Aliases: Chaos demon
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Gender: Unknown
Race: Demon
Location: Alternate dimension
Status: Alive
First: Doctor Strange, Vol. 2 #41

The Chaos Demon is a fictional demon featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is associated with the Doctor Strange line of titles and appeared in Doctor Strange, Volume 2 #41 in June, 1980 in a story called "Weep for the Soul of Man...".


Chaos Demon is a generic name used to describe any of at least twelve different demonic entities that hail from an alternate dimension. Karl Mordo sought to unleash the Chaos Demons by bringing them to Earth in a bid to destroy the world (a very ambitious plot to say the least). To this end, he abducted thirteen mystically attuned people and used them as part of a sacrifice to open the Chaos Gate, which stood at the center of temple beneath Ted Sallis' shack in the Florida Everglades.

As the ritual was performed, a chaos demon began to emerge from the gate. Stretching its long, green hand outward, it began siphoning the life energy from each of the tributes. Doctor Strange, Jennifer Kale, and the Man-Thing intervened to stop the ritual. While Strange fought with Baron Mordo, the Man-Thing pushed the Chaos Demon back through the gate into his own dimension. Because the ritual was interrupted, the Chaos Demon was forced to return the life energy it had stolen, and the sacrifice victims were resurrected. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Chaos Demon was created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Gene Colan.
  • The size and specifications of the Chaos Demon are unclear. Readers only ever saw his hand, which was green and had long sharp fingernails. However, it does appear that at least this chaos demon was of prodigious size.
  • Although referred to as a "demon", the Chaos Demon is not a demon from Hell, but rather an alternate plane of reality.
  • The gender of the Chaos Demon is unknown.

See also[]

  • To be added.

External Links[]

  • None


