The Central City Citizen is a fictional publication featured in the DC Television Universe. It was referenced on the CW Network television series The Flash and first appeared in the twentieth episode of season one, "The Trap".
The Central City Citizen was a news publication based out of Central City. Its year of foundation is unknown, but it is known that it was still in publication as late as the year 2025. Iris West-Allen, who had been married to CSU director Barry Allen at that time, wrote an article dated April 25th, 2025 with the headline "Flash Missing. Vanishes During Crisis". This particular incident had something to do with his centuries-spanning feud with the villain Eobard Thawne. In the year 2015, a younger Barry Allen, as well as his colleagues Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow found a copy of this particular article sealed away in a secret vault in S.T.A.R. Labs. (Flash: The Trap)