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See also Central City for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Central City
Continuity: Nightmare on Elm Street
Category: City
State: Ohio
Residents: Carlos; Doc; John Doe; Kelly; Maggie Burroughs; Spencer; Tracy Swan
Points of interest: Recovery House Youth Shelter
1st appearance: Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare

Central City is a fictionalized location featured in the Nightmare on Elm Street multimedia franchise. It appeared in the 1991 film sequel Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare.


Central City is an American city located in the U.S. state of Ohio. It is located in the mid-eastern region of the state, some distance away from the town of Springwood. The Recovery House Youth Center is located in Central City.

Points of Interest[]

Recovery House Youth Shelter
The Recovery House Youth Shelter was a halfway house located in Central City, Ohio. It catered to helping troubled teens battling substance abuse, domestic violence and psychological struggles. A man named Kelly operated as a case worker administering new beneficiaries to the center. A man known only as "Doc" worked as a psychologist, specializing in dream therapy. A woman named Maggie Burroughs worked there as a youth counselor. Some of the youth center's charges included a teenager named Spencer, who was admitted by his father for blowing up his car; another boy named Carlos, who was deaf in one ear - apparently the victim of family abuse. Tracy Swan was a blonde-haired woman with intense anger issues, possibly stemming from sexual assault believed to have been committed by her father. A boy from nearby Springwood known only as "John Doe" was admitted to the youth shelter after complaining of amnesia and the refusal to sleep - allegedly caused by being tormented by a demonic dream entity known as Fred Krueger. Even counselor Maggie Burroughs had some unresolved issues from her past that she had been trying to work out. [1]

Residents of Central City, Ohio[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The name of the city is established on the shoulder patches of two police officers as well as the side of a police car in the film.

See also[]


