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Nicaragua 002
Central America
Category: Region
Planet: Earth
Points of interest: Belize; Costa Rica; Costa Verde; Hondurus; El Salvador; Guatemala; Nicaragua; Panama

Central America is an isthmus region consisting of seven countries. It kinda serves as the bikini string linking North America to South America. It begins at the southern border of Mexico with Guatemala, which borders Belize, then Hondurus, then followed by El Salvador to the southwest, Nicaragua to the south, then Costa Rica and Panama, which borders the northern tip of Columbia in South America.

Points of Interest[]

Costa Verde
Costa Verde is located on the North Western coastal region of Central America, bordering the Pacific Ocean. It is bordered to the North by Mexico and by Guatemala to the South. Regions within the proximity of Costa Verde include Terra Verde and Costa Verdita. Years ago, Juan Elmirez served as the favorable President of Costa Verde. A revolution broke out led by a man calling himself El Lobo, "The Wolf". El Lobo's forces were strong, owing largely to the addition of the cosmic being known as Firelord, who was mentally manipulated into insuring victory for El Lobo's crusade. When Thor learned about the revolution taking place in Costa Verde, he flew down with Jane Foster to confront Firelord. (Thor 246)
Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus. Nicaragua's capital, Managua, is the country's largest city and the third-largest city in Central America. The multi-ethnic population of six million includes indigenous peoples, Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The main language is Spanish. Native tribes on the eastern coast speak their own languages.

Films that take place in Central America[]

Comics that take place in Central America[]

Residents of Central America[]

Note: The following is a list of characters known to reside in Central America. It does not necessarily mean that they were born there.

Character Film/Series
Alejandra Jones Marvel Universe
Carmen Escudero Marvel Universe
Juan Elmirez Marvel Universe
Manuel Marvel Universe
Ramiro Xuc Marvel Universe
Talaoc DC Universe

People who were born in Central America[]

People who died in Central America[]

Notes & Trivia[]

External Links[]


Real World locationsEarth thumb
