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Centennial Park
Centennial Park
Continuity: DC Universe
Category: Landmark
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
City: Metropolis
Locale: New Troy

Centennial Park is a fictional park featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It is associated with the Superman line of comic titles. Centennial Park is a public recreation area located in the New Troy district of Metropolis. The One-Thousand once had a secret base underneath the park, from which they fought Booster Gold. Centennial Park was where the time-displaced adventurer Alpha Centurion first came to when he arrived in Metropolis.

The Superman Memorial Statue (and his former tomb) are located in the center of Centennial Park. Later, a second statue was added honoring the memory of Superboy (Kon-El) after the events of the Infinite Crisis.

During the time that Superman was believed to be dead, his body was entombed underneath Centennial Park. The cavern was originally excavated for use as a time capsule, but it led into a tunnel that extended through adjacent Kirby County. accidentally tripped a series of explosives set by Cadmus agents as a security protocol, and water from the above Hobb's River came flooding in. (Action Comics 686)
