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"The Big Shake-Up"
Catwoman Vol 5 26
Title: "The Big Shake-Up"
Volume: 5
Number: 26
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: December, 2020
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Marie Javins
Writers: Ram V
Pencilers: Fernando Blanco
Inkers: Fernando Blanco
Cover artists: Joëlle Jones; Jenny Frison
Cover inker: Joëlle Jones; Jenny Frison
Cover colorist: Laura Allred; Jenny Frison
Colorists: FCO Plascencia
Letterers: Tom Napolitano
Assistants: Ben Meares
Editors: Jessica Chen
Group editor: Ben Abernathy
Previous: Catwoman #25
Next: Catwoman #27

"The Big Shake-Up" is the twenty-sixth issue of the fifth Catwoman comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written by Ram V with artwork & inks by Fernando Blanco. It was colored by FCO Plascencia and lettered by Tom Napolitano. The story was edited by Jessica Chen with Ben Meares as assistant editor. This issue shipped with a December, 2020 cover date and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).

"The Big Shake-Up"[]

Featured characters

Supporting characters

  • Dean Hadley
  • James Rigs
  • Leo
  • Maggie Kyle
  • Shoes
  • Skidmark


Minor characters

  • Billy
  • Bob Gurn
  • Chelsea
  • Kalus
  • Mama Fortuna
  • Rich Kollak


Races & Animals

  • To be added


  • Alleytown
  • The Nest





Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Catwoman was created by writer Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane. She was originally known as simply "The Cat", and was introduced in the fourth story featured in Batman, Volume 1 #1 in the Spring of 1940. She has since gone on to become one of the Batman's most enduring recurring characters; often playing the role of a villain, but later evolving into an anti-heroine, and often an ally of Batman and his supporting cast.
  • This series has a 13+ readership age.
  • This issue is UPC barcode number 761941356822 02611.
  • The tagline to this issue is "The New Queen of Alleytown... or Father Valley's Next Victim?"
  • This issue is a "Joker War: Collateral Damage" crossover.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
