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"Bad doggie. Mustn't ruffle Catty's fur."
"Thief of Paris"
Catwoman Vol 2 17
Title: "Thief of Paris"
Storyline: "Catfile"
Volume: 2
Number: 17
Cover price: $1.50
Cover date: January, 1995
Publisher: DC Comics
Writers: Chuck Dixon
Pencilers: Jim Balent
Inkers: Bob Smith
Cover artists: Jim Balent
Cover inker: Jim Balent
Cover colorist: Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Colorists: Buzz Setzer
Letterers: Bob Pinaha
Assistants: Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Editors: Denny O'Neil
Previous: Catwoman #16
Next: Catwoman #18

"Thief of Paris" is the seventeenth issue of Catwoman, Volume 2 and is part of the "Catfile" storyline. It was written by Chuck Dixon with interior artwork by penciler Jim Balent and inker Bob Smith. Coloring was provided by Buzz Setzer and the issue was lettered by Bob Pinaha. The story was edited by Denny O'Neil with Jordan B. Gorfinkel as assistant editor. The cover art was illustrated by Jim Balent with coloring by Jordan B. Gorfinkel. Curtis King and John Wren edited the cover copy. The issue sold with a January, 1995 cover date and a cover price of $1.50 per copy (US).


Featured characters

Supporting characters


  • Willem Augen Kapreallian

Minor characters

  • Blessing
  • Rudolph




  • Automatic weapons
  • Micro-detonator


  • Collapsible skate-cycle

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the third chapter in the "Catfile" storyline.
  • Letterer Bob Pinaha is credited as Bobpin in this issue.
  • Galiant and Shapleigh also appear in a flashback scene that takes place prior to the "Catfile" storyline. Galiant appears next in Catwoman #18. Shapleigh appears next at the end of Catwoman #19.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
