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Toby Haynes
Toby Haynes
Gender: Male
Medium(s): Television
Roles: Director
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Notable works: Doctor Who
1st Sci-Fi: Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens

Toby Haynes is a British television director best known in sci-fi circles for his work on the Doctor Who relaunch series. He directed three episodes in 2010 beginning with season five's "The Pandorica Opens" starring Matt Smith in the role of the Doctor. He also directed "The Big Bang", "A Christmas Carol" and the two-part 2011 episode(s) "The Impossible Astronaut" and "Day of the Moon". He also appeared on the "Alien Abduction", "Out of Time" and "The Christmas Special" segments of the Doctor Who Confidential video documentaries.

Body of work[]


Film Year Role


Series Episode Role
Doctor Who The Pandorica Opens Director
Doctor Who The Big Bang Director
Doctor Who A Christmas Carol Director
Doctor Who The Impossible Astronaut Director
Doctor Who Day of the Moon Director

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Some of Toby's non-sci-fi work includes episodes of Hollyoaks, M.I. High, Holby Blue, Spooks: Code 9, Being Human (BBC series), and Five Days.

External Links[]


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