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Includes subcategories relating to Ronald Stein.
Ronald Stein
Birth name: Louis Ronald Stein
Aliases: Ronald S. Stein
Gender: Male
Medium(s): Film
Roles: Composer
Date of birth: April 12th, 1930
Place of birth: St. Louis, Missouri
Date of death: August 15th, 1988
Place of death: Los Angeles, California
First: The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues (1955)

Body of work[]


Film Year Role
The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues 1955 Composer
Day the World Ended 1955 Composer
It Conquered the World 1956 Composer
Not of This Earth 1957 Composer
Attack of the Crab Monsters 1957 Composer
Invasion of the Saucer Men 1957 Composer
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman 1958 Composer
The Last Woman on Earth 1960 Composer
Dinosaurus 1960 Composer
Journey to the Seventh Planet 1962 Composer
The Underwater City 1962 Composer
The Eye Creatures 1965 Composer
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet 1965 Composer
Curse of the Swamp Creature 1966 Composer
Mars Needs Women 1967 Composer
Creature of Destruction 1967 Composer

Notes & Trivia[]

Other works[]

External Links[]


All items (6)
