- "Who are these people?... minor players, certainly... but it is the minor players that make up the cast of the drama of life... for they are life!"
- ―Narrator
Includes characters who are Minor characters in films and television. These character generally only make brief appearances and their significant contributions to their respective franchise is minimal. |
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- A. Mace
- Abigail Houseman
- Abner Skrooney
- Abraham Erskine
- Acathla
- Achmed El Gibar
- Ackert
- Ackmena
- Adam Cross
- Adam Foster
- Adam Grant
- Adam Kensington
- Adelai Niska
- Adele Drew
- Adele Rousseau
- Adira Tyree
- Aelfric
- Agamotto
- Agen Kolar
- Agent Abernathy
- Agmar
- Agon
- Aiden Monroe
- Aimes
- Ainlee Teem
- Akela Amador
- Akhronayev
- Akiro
- Alan Chang
- Alaya
- Aldrich Killian
- Alex Gaeta
- Alexander Luthor, Sr.
- Alexyev Kamanev
- Alfeo Spinosa
- Alfonso Warner
- Alfred Queely
- Alice Guppy
- Alice Lizewski
- Alice Martin
- Alice Neely
- Alice Pool
- Alice's grandmother
- Alicia Spencer
- Alisha
- Alison Jones
- Allen Halliwell
- Allie Kruglov
- Allie/DCU
- Allison DeFeo
- Alonna Gunn
- Alura In-Ze
- Alura Zor-El
- Alvin Barnes
- Amadeus Arkham
- Amanda Grayson
- Amanda Krueger
- Amanda Ripley-McClaren
- Amazing Elmo
- Amir Stanley
- Amos Armat
- Ana
- Ananka
- Anaïs Arcane
- Andre Anthony
- Andre Cocteau
- Andrea Grimes
- Andrea Latemendi
- Andrei Gorlovich
- Andrew Zagarian
- Andy Cardone
- Andy Neale
- Angela Walsh
- Angelique de Bussi
- Angus MacWhirter
- Aniela Arcane
- Anita Bircham
- Anita Leung
- Ann Gella
- Anna Bolt
- Anna Leigh Leighton
- Anna W.
- Annalee
- Anne Kerry
- Annette Devereaux
- Annie Pangborn
- Antha Mayfair
- Anthony Serba
- Anthro
- Anto
- Anton Nybörg
- Antonio Sciolino
- Araya Calavera
- Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart
- Ariel Eberhart
- Arm-Fall-Off Boy
- Armando Bonilla
- Arno
- Arnold Greene
- Arnold Halliwell
- Arnold Radisch
- Artemus Knab
- Arwen
- Asano Kimura
- Aske
- Astra Logue
- Astrid Josefsen
- Astrid Peth
- Astronomica
- Atillo
- Attichitcuk
- Audumbla
- Auldridge
- Auran
- Aurelia
- Aurora Dante
- Authority gate guard
- Avaro Sookcool
- Axonn-Karr
- Ayla
- Azzari
- Babu Frik
- Bail Antilles
- Bambi Arbogast/MCU
- Bambi Long
- Banita
- Baphomet the Oracle
- Bar monkey
- Bar skank
- Bar-El
- Barb O'Hare
- Barbara Holland
- Barbara Smith
- Barbara Yates
- Barry Fitzpatrick
- Bartos
- Basch
- Bashenga
- Baskin
- Becks
- Becky Anderson
- Becky Glass
- Behrad Tomaz
- Benita Sanchez
- Benjamin Cox
- Bergelmir
- Bernard Harris
- Bernie the Beaver
- Beru Lars
- Beth Braddock
- Betty Churchill
- Betty Hartman
- Beverly Gable
- Beverly Hatupatu
- Bialar Selis
- Bianca Burnette
- Big Al
- Big Daddy Joe
- Big Moe
- Big Tiny
- Bill Bowery
- Bill Carlisle
- Bill Nelson
- Bill Schmitz
- Bill Segrist
- Bill Watson
- Billy Bob Rackham
- Billy Leffingwell