Includes a list of all locations found on Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki.
All items (2981)
- B.P.R.D. headquarters
- Babylon 5 station
- Badham Preschool
- Baikonur Cosmodrome
- Bailey, New Hampshire
- Baja
- Bajor
- Bakersfield
- Ballentree Moor
- Baltimore
- Bana-Mighdall
- Bangor
- Banning estate
- Bar With No Name
- Bar With No Name II
- Barbara Gordon's apartment
- Barcelona
- Baron Mordo's temple
- Barrington House
- Barrow
- Barry Allen's laboratory
- Barry Island
- Batch SW6
- Battle Creek
- Battleworld
- Bavarian Alps
- Baxter Building
- Bay City
- Bay Ridge
- Bay Street Seaport
- Beacon County
- Beacon Hills
- Beacon Hills Animal Clinic
- Beacon Hills High School
- Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital
- Beacon Hills Wildlife Preserve
- Bear Valley
- Becker residence
- Beehive
- Beijing
- Bel Air
- Belgium
- Belle Reve
- Bellevue Hospital
- Ben's Eats
- Bergen County
- Berhert
- Bering Sea
- Berkeley Park
- Berlin
- Bermuda Triangle
- Besh Gorgon System
- Bespin
- Bestine
- Beta Cygni System
- Beyonder's construct
- Bialya
- Bifrost
- Big Bad Mac's
- Big Ben
- Big Patty's Pie House
- Big Top Burger
- Bikini Atoll
- Biltwell Hotel
- Binary Stasis Twelve
- Black Galaxy
- Black Pyramid
- Black Room
- Blackfire Shelter for the Homeless
- Blackgar Island
- Blackgate Penitentiary
- Blackhawk Express
- Blackhawk Island
- Blade's apartment
- Blair Meat Co.
- Blairstown Diner
- Bleecker Street
- Blenkin Pharmaceuticals
- Blood Gem realm
- Bludhaven
- Blue Area of the Moon
- Blue Valley High School
- Blue Whale
- Bodega Bay
- Bodega Bay Inn
- Bogotá
- Bohemian Grove
- Bokos
- Bolivia
- Bon Accord
- Bon Temps
- Boonta
- Boonta Scrapyard
- Boot Inn
- Borneo
- Borobudur
- Boston
- Boston General Hospital
- Botor
- Boulder
- Bountiful
- Braddock Lighthouse
- Brazil
- Breakstone Lake
- Brentwood
- Brewster Apartments
- Briarcliff Manor
- Bridgeport
- Brigham Circle
- Brighton
- Brightstone Arms Apartments
- Brimstone Manor
- Bristol
- Brittany
- Broke Jaw Ranch
- Bronx
- Bronze, The
- Brookfield Heights
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Brooklyn Wind Turbine
- Bryant Park
- Bucharest
- Bucket Fountain