Includes images from the Friday the 13th multimedia franchise. |
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All items (500)
- File:A-hole kids.jpg
- File:Abel - Friday the 13th.jpg
- File:Admiral Robertson 001.jpg
- File:Adrienne - Jason X 002.jpg
- File:Adrienne - Jason X.jpg
- File:Adrienne - Jason x.jpg
- File:Agent Abernathy.jpg
- File:Ali- Friday the 13th.jpg
- File:Alice Hardy 001.jpg
- File:Alice Hardy 004.jpg
- File:Alice Hardy.jpg
- File:Alisha Jackson.jpg
- File:Andy - Friday the 13th 001.jpg
- File:Andy - Friday the 13th.jpg
- File:Anita (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Annie (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Barry (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Bill (Friday the 13th) 002.jpg
- File:Bill (Friday the 13th) death.jpg
- File:Bill (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Bill Freeburg 001.jpg
- File:Bill Freeburg 002.jpg
- File:Bill Freeburg 003.jpg
- File:Bill Freeburg and Will Rollins.jpg
- File:Bill Freeburg death.jpg
- File:Billy Macauley death.jpg
- File:Billy Macauley.jpg
- File:Blairstown Diner.jpg
- File:Blake and Jason.jpg
- File:Blake Mueller 001.jpg
- File:Blake Mueller 002.jpg
- File:Blake Mueller 003.jpg
- File:Blake Mueller's father.jpg
- File:Blake's father's head.jpg
- File:Bobby Davis.jpg
- File:Brenda (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Brian Evans.jpg
- File:Briggs 001.jpg
- File:Briggs 002.jpg
- File:Briggs 003.jpg
- File:Briggs 004.jpg
- File:Briggs.jpg
- File:Camp Crystal Lake 001.jpg
- File:Casino Bar.jpg
- File:Charlie and Kia.jpg
- File:Charlie Linderman 001.jpg
- File:Charlie Linderman 002.jpg
- File:Charlie Linderman 003.jpg
- File:Charlie Linderman death.jpg
- File:Chevrolet K10.jpg
- File:Chris Higgins.jpg
- File:Chuck Garth.jpg
- File:Claudette (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Clay Miller.jpg
- File:Cobb.jpg
- File:Condor is screwed.jpg
- File:Corn field partier 1.jpg
- File:Corn field partier 2.jpg
- File:Corn field partier 3.jpg
- File:Corn field partier 4.jpg
- File:Corn field partier 5.jpg
- File:Corn field rave 002.jpg
- File:Corn field rave.jpg
- File:Corn field raver.jpg
- File:Crazy Ralph 002.jpg
- File:Crazy Ralph 003.jpg
- File:Crazy Ralph.jpg
- File:Creighton Duke.jpg
- File:Crystal Lake 001.jpg
- File:Crystal Lake Research Facility.jpg
- File:Dead boy on tree.jpg
- File:Dead girl on tree.jpg
- File:Debbie - F13 001.jpg
- File:Debbie - F13 002.jpg
- File:Debbie Klein 002.jpg
- File:Debbie Klein.jpg
- File:Deck hand.jpg
- File:Demon (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Demon death.jpg
- File:Diana Kimble.jpg
- File:Doctor Campbell - Freddy vs. Jason 002.jpg
- File:Doctor Campbell - Freddy vs. Jason.jpg
- File:Dodd.jpg
- File:Duke Johnson 002.jpg
- File:Duke Johnson.jpg
- File:Earth - Jason X.jpg
- File:Earth II.jpg
- File:Ed Landis.png
- File:Edna Hockett 001.jpg
- File:Edna Hockett 002.jpg
- File:Edna Hockett 003.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Marcus 001.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Marcus 002.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Marcus 003.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Marcus 004.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Marcus 005.jpg
- File:Elizabeth Marcus 006.jpg
- File:Enos (Friday the 13th).jpg
- File:Enos - F13.jpg
- File:Ethel Hubbard 002.jpg
- File:Ethel Hubbard.jpg
- File:Eva and Tamara.jpg
- File:Eva Watanabe 001.jpg
- File:Eva Watanabe 002.jpg
- File:Eva Watanabe 003.jpg
- File:Eva Watanabe 004.jpg
- File:Eva Watanabe 005.jpg
- File:Flaming Jason.jpg
- File:Fox - Friday the 13th.jpg
- File:Freaky patients.jpg
- File:Freddy and Jason 002.jpg
- File:Freddy and Jason.jpg
- File:Freddy and Little Jason.jpg
- File:Freddy and Lori 002.jpg
- File:Freddy and Lori 003.jpg
- File:Freddy and Lori.jpg
- File:Freddy beheaded.jpg
- File:Freddy in the mirror.jpg
- File:Freddy Krueger 007.jpg
- File:Freddy tries to kill Blake.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason (2003).jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason 002.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash - The Nightmare Warriors 1.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash - The Nightmare Warriors 1A.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash - The Nightmare Warriors 1B.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 1.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 1A.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 1B.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 2.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 2A.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 3.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 4.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash.jpg
- File:Freddy vs. Jason.jpg
- File:Freddy's Back.jpg
- File:Freeburg injects Jason.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (1980 novelization).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (1980) 002.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (1980) 003.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (1980).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (2009) 002.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (2009) 003.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th (2009).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - A New Beginning 001.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - A New Beginning 002.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - A New Beginning.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Abuser and the Abused 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Bloodbath 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Bloodbath 1A.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Bloodbath 1B.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - From Crystal Lake to Manhattan Ultimate Collection.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - How I Spent My Summer Vacation 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - How I Spent My Summer Vacation 2.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason Lives.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 1A.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 1B.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 1C.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 1D.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 2.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 2A.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 2B.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 2C.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason vs. Jason X 2D.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Jason's Curse.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Pamela's Tale 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - Pamela's Tale 2.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter 002.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter 003.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter 004.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter 005.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th - The Final Chapter.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 1A.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 2.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 3.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 4.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 5.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th 6.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Fearbook 1.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Fearbook 2.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Fearbook 3.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Fearbook 4.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Fearbook 5.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th logo.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part 2.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part 3 (novelization).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D (novelization).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part 3.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part V - A New Beginning 002.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part V - A New Beginning 003.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part V - A New Beginning.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part VI - Jason Lives (novelization).jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part VI - Jason Lives 002.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part VI - Jason Lives 003.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part VI - Jason Lives.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part VII - The New Blood 001.jpg
- File:Friday the 13th Part VII - The New Blood 002.jpg