Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of fictional characters who are proficient at Body hardening.
Iron Fist 002
Body hardening
Classification: Skill
Associated franchises: DC Universe
Marvel Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Associated programs: Marvel's Iron Fist
Associated comics: Iron Fist Vol 1
Iron Fist Vol 2
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 1
Character examples: Bruce Wayne; Danny Rand; Heather Douglas
Related articles: Martial arts; Superhuman durability

Body hardening is a phrase that makes people snicker when they hear it. To be clear: We're not talking about THAT type of body hardening! Get yer mind outta the gutter, ya filthy animal!

Body hardening is a martial arts discipline that involves physical strength training as well as mental conditioning. The purpose of which is to build one's physical endurance to the point that they can withstand extreme punishment. Such discipline may also add to one's overall physical strength level.

In some Eastern traditions, masters of body hardening techniques can focus their chi, or "mental energy", to parts of their body, strengthening it. In Marvel Comics continuity, this is an ability possessed by Danny Rand, who can focus his mystical chi energy into his right hand, making it "like unto a thing of iron". His words, not mine.

The Shao-Lorn monks of the moon of Titan developed similar techniques, which were then taught to a human who came to reside with them, Heather Douglas. By learning their ways, Heather was able to tap into her own prodigious mental energy and use it to simulate the affects of superhuman strength and durability.

Of course, Batman can also do all of this crap. 'Cuz, lets face it... if there's a form of physical development out there, he knows it.


Name Source
Bruce Wayne DC Universe
Danny Rand Marvel Universe
Heather Douglas Marvel Universe






See also[]


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