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See also Doctor Octopus for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Carolyn Trainer
Lady Octopus
Aliases: Doctor Octopus
Lady Octopus
Continuity: Marvel Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Supervillain
Occupation: Scientist; Criminal
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: Rachel, Vermont
Relatives: Seward Trainer
Status: Alive
First: Amazing Spider-Man #405

Carolyn Trainer is a fictional super-villain featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. She is part of the mainstream Marvel Universe and is associated with the Spider-Man line of titles. She was introduced in a behind-the-scenes appearance in Amazing Spider-Man #405, then in a shadowy cameo appearance in Spider-Man #62 in September, 1995. She made her first full appearance in Amazing Spider-Man #406.




  • None: Carolyn Trainer is by all accounts a normal human being with no superhuman abilities to speak of.


  • Physics: Carolyn Trainer studied under the instruction of Otto Octavius and has a Ph.D in physics.


Notes & Trivia[]

  • At the time that Carolyn Trainer first donned the guise of Doctor Octopus, it was believed that Otto Octavius was deceased. Silly woman. Everybody knows that death is transitory in comics, right?

See also[]

Spider-Man Media

The World of Spider-Man

External Links[]


