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Ash vs Evil Dead 3x01 005
Candace Barr
Aliases: Candy Barr
Continuity: Evil Dead
Series: Ash vs Evil Dead
Notability: Minor character
Gender: Female
Race: Deadite
Location: Elk Grove, Michigan
Relatives: Ash Williams
Brandy Barr
Status: Deceased
Born: 1971 [1]
Died: 2018
First: "Family"
Actor: Katrina Hobbs

Candace "Candy" Barr is a fictional mother and a minor character featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. She is associated with the Ash vs Evil Dead television series on Starz and was played by actress Katrina Hobbs. She first appeared in the season premiere, "Family".


Candy Barr was a resident of Elk Grove, Michigan. Around the turn of the century, she had a fling with a resident named Ash Williams. The two were even married briefly in a drunken Las Vegas wedding. This union produced a child, Brandy Barr. Candace and Ash had since gone their separate ways by this point, and Ash never knew that he had a daughter. Embarrassed by her hedonistic lifestyle of the past, Candy never told Brandy about her father.

In 2018, Ash Williams returned to his home town of Elk Grove after spending a considerable amount of time fighting off the forces of the Evil Dead. He reunited with Candace and learned about Brandy. The spirits of the Evil Dead began possessing people in Elk Grove, turning them into murderous Deadites. Brandy's best friend, Rachel Manning, fell victim to this possession, and turned against Brandy and her mother in the music room at Kenward High School. Rachel threw a cymbal at Candace, which beheaded her. [2]

During the funeral, Candace's body became possessed by the Evil Dead and he fought against Ash Williams inside of her own coffin. Ash proved victorious, but the visceral tableau sickened and traumatized the mourners in attendance, including Brandy. [3]

Notes & Trivia[]

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See also[]

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External Links[]

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  • To be added.


  1. Year of birth approximated based upon the relative age of actress Katrina Hobbs.
  2. Ash vs Evil Dead: Family
  3. Ash vs Evil Dead: Father's Day