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"You shouldn't be thinking for yourself, brother. It's more dangerous than you know."
CT Salvo[src]
Clone Commando
CT Climber
Aliases: Climber
Continuity: Star Wars
Notability: Minor character
Type: Clone trooper
Gender: Male
Race: Clone
Born: 32 BBY
First: Star Wars Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

"Climber" is the call-sign for a fictional character featured in the Star Wars franchise. He is part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe and was a supporting character from the 2005 novel Star Wars Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno.


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"Climber" was but one of thousands of individuals cloned from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett on the watery world of Kamino in the year 32 BBY. Genetically bred for military service, he held the rank of captain and served among the Ion Team commando unit of the 22nd Air Combat Wing during the Clone Wars. He served in campaigns on Boz Pity and Deko Neimoidia.

In 19 BBY, Climber and the 22nd fought during the Battle of Murkhana. Climber was responsible for capturing a human spy named Idis and brought him before Jedi General Roan Shryne. Idis revealed critical information relating to the deflector shield generator that protected a landing platform out on Murkhana Bay and along with Roan and another clone trooper, they infiltrated the facility and fought up against Koorivar specialists and hired mercenaries from the Vibroblade Brigade. One mercenary managed to get the drop on Climber, but Shryne kicked his lightsaber towards him and Climber scooped it up just in time to bring his assailant down.

After the deflector shield generator room was secured, Climber received orders from Captain Salvo of the 32nd Air Combat Wing that the Jedi were to be executed on sight. Though bred to follow orders, Climber questioned his particular instruction and found it difficult to believe that his own men would have him turn against their staunchest allies. Rather than follow through with the order, Climber detonated an EMP grenade between Salvo's unit and the Jedi, keeping safe distance between the two until he could question Salvo further about the order. Roan was astonished to learn that the clones had been ordered to fire upon them and his two Jedi allies, Bol Chatak and Olee Starstone managed to slip away during the confusion. Captain Salvo admonished Climber at length for disobeying a direct order.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • "Climber" is the character's military call sign. Clone troopers are not given proper names but are provided with a numeric designation to identify them.

Related pages[]

See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

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