Bullets and Bracelets is a fictional event featured in the 1975-1979 superhero action series Wonder Woman. It was first presented in the original pilot movie, "The New Original Wonder Woman" and has also been seen in the premiere episode of season two, "The Return of Wonder Woman".
Bullets and Bracelets is a ceremonial event held by the Amazons of Paradise Island. In order to select an ambassador to leave the island to journey to "Man's World", an Amazon must participate in, and prove victorious in the competition of bullets and bracelets. Armed with nothing to defend themselves except their Feminum bracelets, the competitor must successfully deflect bullets fired at them from another Amazon. If they succeed, then by Amazon law, they must then be allowed to serve as ambassador.
Princess Diana asked her mother, Queen Hippolyta to participate in the event, but Hippolyta did not wish to see her daughter leave the island, so she forbade her from entering the contest. Diana entered anyway incognito and won. As such, Hippolyta had little choice but to allow her to go. She was awarded the Golden Belt and Golden Lasso as tools for her mission to the United States. The Golden Belt gave her added strength, while the lasso forced others to speak only the truth. When Diana arrived in the United States, she took on the costumed identity of Wonder Woman and worked with allied force against the Nazis during World War II.
More than thirty years later, Diana entered the contest a second time, this time competing against her own cousin, Evadne. She once again proved victorious and resumed the role of Wonder Woman and returned to the United States.