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Andromeda 1x02 009
Continuity: Andromeda
Type: Mercenary
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Status: Deceased
Died: CY 10087
First: "An Affirming Flame"
Actor: Dario Delacio
Shawn Stewart

Brexos is a fictional mercenary and a minor character featured in the science fiction television series Andromeda. He was played by both Dario Delacio and Shawn Stewart, both of whom are actors and stun performers. He appeared in the second episode of season one, "An Affirming Flame".


Brexos was a human mercenary hired by the Nightsider known as Gerentex to help him located and lay claim to the lost High Guard ship, the Andromeda Ascendant. He worked with several other mercenaries including the human, Glasten, a female cyborg named Varastaya and the Nietzschean known as Tyr Anasazi. Brexos was part of Gerentex's back-up plan should something go wrong with the salvage operation. The Andromeda Ascendant was found perched on the edge of a black hole in the Hephaistos System. When Gerentex learned that the ship's captain, Dylan Hunt, was still alive and on board, he deployed his merc team to kill him and take the ship.

Brexos, Glasten and Tyr came upon Captain Hunt a short time later and engaged him in combat, but the battle-savvy captain proved to be a formidable opponent and incapacitated the mercenaries with his Force lance. He placed Brexos inside a stasis tube until he could figure out what to do with him later. When Hunt discovered that the black hole was threatening to destroy the ship, he released the mercenaries so they could discuss their options. Brexos and another mercenary elected to take their chances in an escape pod. They fled the ship, but were unable to escape the gravitational pull of the singularity. The pressure of the singularity shredded the escape pod, killing both of them. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Made a behind-the-scenes appearance at the end of the pilot episode "Under the Night".

See also[]


The World of Andromeda

Andromeda miscellaneous

