Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Boy Commandos
Boy Commandos Vol 2 1
Title: Boy Commandos
Publisher: DC Comics
Type: Ongoing series
Years published: October-December, 1973
Total issues: 2
Featuring: Boy Commandos
Creators: Joe Simon; Jack Kirby
Previous: Boy Commandos, Vol. 1

Boy Commandos, Volume 2 is a short-lived ongoing comic book series of the war genre. It was published by DC Comics on a bi-monthly shipping schedule from September-October 1973 to November-December 1973, spanning only two issues. Released as specials, both issues reprint classic stories of the Boy Commandos from issues of Detective Comics, and the original Boy Commandos series.


Annuals & Specials


Notes & Trivia

  • Issue #2 reprints Boy Commandos #2 and Boy Commandos #6.

See also

Recommended Reading

External Links
