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Book store assistant
Continuity: Planet of the Apes
Type: Minor character
Gender: Female
Race: Evolved ape
Location: California (possibly Los Angeles or San Francisco)
Status: Alive
First: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)

The book store assistant was a minor character featured in the Planet of the Apes franchise. Played by an unknown, uncredited actress, she appeared in the fourth installment of the original film series Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.


The book store assistant was a female orangutan who worked as an indentured servant to a librarian at a book store/library at 172 Broadway in some unspecified California city of the near future (possibly Los Angeles or San Francisco).

Although the organgutan was a seemingly competent assistant she, like most apes, was illiterate and did not always perform to the book store manager's expectations. She admonished the assistant's inaccurate book retrieval skills by intoning the ubiquitous command of displeasure, "No!"

Notes & Trivia

The character of the book store assistant was created by director J. Lee Thompson and writer Paul Dehn, based on concepts originally developed by author Pierre Boulle and film producer Arthur P. Jacobs.

See also

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