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Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove
Aliases: The Grove
Bohemian Club
Category: Campground
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: California
Residents: Jack Delroy; Richard Nixon; Ronald Reagan

The Bohemian Grove is an actual location situated at 20601 Boehemian Avenue in Monte Rio in Sonoma County in the U.S. state of California. It is the site of an exclusive gentlemen's club known as the Bohemian Club. This location has also been informally referred to as simply "The Grove". The Bohemian Club was founded as a summer encampment in 1872 by stage actor Harry Edwards. It became a retreat for the country's ruling elite and has boasted many high ranking members of the U.S. political regime including former U.S. Presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.

The Bohemian Club has been the subject of widespread rumors and speculation, and some have even referred to it as a secret society at best, and at worst, a cult. There have been stories of occult rituals taking place at The Grove and even group sexual activities.

Late Night With the Devil[]

The Bohemian Grove was referenced at length in the 2023 independent feature film Late Night With the Devil. The film suggests a relationship between the Bohemian Club and the Cult of Abraxas, which arose during the height of the "Satanic Panic" era, and was said to have conducted human sacrifices. Radio personality and television talk show host Jack Delroy was counted amongst its members.

At some point during the mid-1970s, Jack Delroy engaged in a ritual, which yielded the promise of great fame and fortune. Such a bargain came with an unspecified price, and was not a promise of yielding results in the exact manner that Jack was hoping. The price to be paid came shortly thereafter when Jack's wife, Madeleine Piper suddenly fell ill with late stage lung cancer and passed away.

During an airing of Jack's show, Night Owls, one of his guests, a 14-year-old girl named Lilly, who was possessed by a demon, ran amok, killing several of Jack's guests and at least one production crew member. She even caused Jack himself to fly into the back of the set. Jack, in the throws of an intense hallucination, took up a sacrifice dagger and stabbed Lilly through the chest on live television. Thus, the promise of Jack's sacrifice came to fruition, as he was now the most famous man in America.

Characters associated with Bohemian Grove[]

Name Source
George H.W. Bush Real world
Herbert Hoover Real world
Jack Delroy Late Night With the Devil
Richard Nixon Real world
Ronald Reagan Real world
William Randolph Hearst Real world

Notes & Trivia[]

  • For purposes of clarity, this article relates to both the physical location of Bohemian Grove, as well as the gentlemen's club that resides there.
  • The symbol of the Bohemian Club is the Minervan owl. A 40-foot effigy of this owl is staged at camp site and used during ritual productions.
  • On July 15th, 2000, future InfoWars host Alex Jones and his cameraman Mike Hanson clandestinely entered the Bohemian Grove and shot footage of the Cremation of Care ceremony. Jones claimed it was a "ritual sacrifice". From this footage, documentary filmmaker Jon Ronson produced the episode "The Satanic Shadowy Elite?", in which he characterizes the proceedings as an "overgrown frat party", while Jones produced "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove", describing what he said were Satanic rituals
  • Carmichael Haig, who was one of Jack's guests on Night Owls, knew of Jack's association with The Grove, and was hoping that Jack could get him a membership. Haig was particularly interested in the orgies.

External Links[]


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