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The Mandalorian 2x03 002
Bo-Katan Kryze
Continuity: Star Wars
Series: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: The Mandalorian
Notability: Recurring character
Type: Terrorist
Gender: Female
Race: Mandalorian
Location: Mandalore
Associations: The Death Watch
Relatives: Satine Kryze
Status: Alive
First: "A Friend in Need"
Actor: Katee Sackhoff


Clone Wars 4x14 003

Bo-Katan on Carlac.

Bo-Katan Kryze was a female member of the Mandalorian race and the sister of Duchess Satine Kryze. She became a member of the terrorist cell known as Death Watch under the leadership of Pre Vizsla.

In 20 BBY, Bo-Katan and the rest of Death Watch had set up a camp in the snow-covered forest village of Ming Po Town on the planet Carlac. They had taken control of the village from its native populace and tortured and destroyed their droid servants for sport. Ahsoka Tano arrived on Carlac with Lux Bonteri and R2-D2. Lux wanted revenge against Count Dooku for the murder of his mother, and believed that the Death Watch could help. Ahsoka pretended to be Lux's betrothed, but was actually trying to convince him to stay away from Death Watch. Bo-Katan found her to be too skinny and mocked her by slapping her on the backside.

Lux eventually learned the horrific truth about Death Watch after they murdered the Ming Po chieftain, Pieter, and set the village to flame. Ahsoka, Lux, and R2-D2 tried to escape on a landspeeder, and the Death Watch pursued them. Bo-Katan caught up to the speeder and engaged in combat Ahsoka. The fight remained inconclusive, and Ahoska, Lux and R2 managed to get back to their ship. [1]

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