Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Vikings on the Mississippi. More Alpha males to avoid."
Dinah Laurel Lance
"Valhalla, Baby!"
Birds of Prey 29
Birds of Prey
Title: "Valhalla, Baby!"
Storyline: "History Lesson"
Volume: 1
Number: 29
Cover price: $2.50
Cover date: May, 2001
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Mike Carlin
Writers: Chuck Dixon
Pencilers: Butch Guice
Inkers: Butch Guice
Cover artists: Butch Guice
Cover inker: Butch Guice
Cover colorist: David Smith
Colorists: Shannon Blanchard; Digital Chameleon
Letterers: Albert T. DeGuzman
Assistants: Michael Wright
Editors: Matt Idelson
Previous: Birds of Prey #28
Next: Birds of Prey #30

"History Lesson (Part 2): Valhalla, Baby!" is the title to the twenty-ninth issue of the first Birds of Prey ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics. It is the second chapter in the "History Lesson" storyline. The story was written by Chuck Dixon with artwork and inks by Butch Guice. It was colored by Shannon Blanchard of Digital Chameleon, and lettered by Albert DeGuzman. It was edited by Matt Idelson with Michael Wright as associate editor. This issue shipped with a May, 2001 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.50 per copy (US).

"Valhalla, Baby!"[]

Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters






Notes & Trivia[]

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

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