The Bionic Woman was a science fiction/adventure television series that aired from January 11th, 1976 to May 13th, 1978. The series consisted of three seasons, totaling fifty-seven episodes in all. Seasons one and two were originally aired on ABC, but ABC did not renew The Bionic Woman after season two because they believed they were failing to capture their desired demographic. The show was then sold to NBC who aired the final twenty-two episodes from 1977 to 1978. The program was produced by Harve Bennett Productions and Universal TV (season three). The Bionic Woman was a spin-off of the 1975 television series The Six Million Dollar Man. The pilot episode "Welcome Home, Jaime" was actually the second half of two-part episode that began with the season three premiere of The Six Million Dollar Man. The plot of the series centered around the character of Jaime Sommers, a professional tennis player who is nearly killed in a traumatic skydiving accident. Doctor Rudy Wells, the scientist responsible for turning astronautSteve Austin into the Six Million Dollar Man, used his cybernetic expertise to give Sommers bionic implants, which provided her with enhanced physical strength, enhanced running speed and amplified hearing.
A remake television series called Bionic Woman was produced in 2007. The show only lasted eight episodes, due in no small part to the 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America Strike. [can we get a frakkin' citation here?!]