Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Flash 2014 1x18 007
Bill Carlisle
Continuity: DC Television Universe
Series: The Flash
Notability: Minor character
Occupation: Business owner; Scientist
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Folston Tech, Central City
Status: Deceased
Died: 2014
First: "All Star Team Up"
Actor: Marlo Franson

Bill Carlisle is a fictional scientist and business owner and a minor character featured in the DC Television Universe. He appeared on the eighteenth episode of season one of The Flash titled "All Star Team Up".


Bill Carlisle was a former scientist who was once employed by Mercury Labs in Central City. He eventually left Mercury Labs to engage in his own business ventures. A former colleague from his Mercury Labs days, Brie Larvan, wanted revenge against anyone associated with the labs for shutting down her research, and Bill became one of her targets.

Bill later went on to become an administrator at Folston Tech. One morning, he entered the lobby of the building, and did not see Brie Larvan sitting in one of the chairs. As he walked past her, she released a swarm of robotic killer bees, which infiltrated Carlisle's office through the ventilation systems. The bees stung him dozens of times with their apitoxin venom, which proved fatal.

The Flash, having already been investigating a previous murder of a similar nature came to Carlisle's office and found him dead in his chair. Robotic bees began pouring out of his mouth and attacked the Flash, stinging him multiple times.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The Flash

Legends of Tomorrow

