Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki

Big Belly Burger is a fictional business featured in the CW Network television series Arrow. It first appeared in the third episode of season one, "Lone Gunmen". Big Belly Burger is a fast food restaurant chain. Carly Diggle worked as a waitress at a Big Belly Burger located in Starling City. Her brother-in-law, John Diggle came into the restaurant with his client, Oliver Queen, and Oliver's best friend, Tommy Merlyn. While John talked with Carly at the counter, Ollie and Tommy took a booth, where they discussed Tommy's recent relationship with Oliver's former girlfriend, Laurel Lance.

After John Diggle learned that Oliver Queen was the vigilante, he quit his position as bodyguard and went to the restaurant to sort things out in his mind. Ollie came after him and sat in a both with John. He offered him a place in his ongoing mission. After much consideration, John agreed. (Arrow: An Innocent Man)

When Andy Diggle was a prisoner of Team Arrow, his brother was charged with feeding him, and gave him Big Belly Burgers. (Arrow: A.W.O.L.)
