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Bialar Crais 001
Bialar Crais
Continuity: Farscape
Type: Peacekeeper
Gender: Male
Race: Sebacean
Relatives: Elann Crais (father)
Wimmah Crais (mother)
Tauvo Crais (brother)
Status: Deceased
First: Farscape: Premiere
Actor: Lani Tupu

Bialar Crais is a character featured in the Farscape television series. Played by New Zealand actor Lani Tupu, he was introduced in the premiere episode. Bialar Crais was a military commander and served as a central antagonist throughout the first two episodes of the series, but became a pseudo-ally of the main characters during the latter half of the program. His final appearance was in the season three episode "Into the Lion's (Part 2): Wolf in Sheep's Clothing".



Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Farscape

Farscape miscellaneous

External Links[]

